Course Outline
Relationship to High Intensity Daily Personal Activities.
This module supports delivery of ventilator management practice standard.
Where ventilation dependency may be invasive or non-invasive and may involve a tracheostomy. (Refer Tracheostomy Module)
CONTEXT: A support plan for ventilator management has been developed and is overseen by a relevant health practitioner, and each participant is involved in the assessment and development of their support plan.
LEARN ABOUT: Workers will understand the support needs such as: Basic functions and key commonalities that are consistent across ventilation. Set up and operation of ventilation support and the accessory related equipment; what risks to look for and action required to respond to risks, incidents, and emergencies.
LEARN ABOUT: Ventilation and accessory equipment such as Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP), and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines, humidifiers, oxygen use, manual ventilation devices (Air-Viva) and airway clearance devices, suctioning, (Tracheostomy Module).
Workers will understand the need to access to appropriate policies and procedures, timely supervision, support, equipment which may include back up ventilator equipment, and consumables required to provide ventilation support.
SCOPE: Workers will understand their limitations, the scope of what they can follow safely and when to escalate the care needs responsibilities, including supervision and delegation arrangements and activities requiring more than one worker. • Roles and responsibilities of others involved in supporting the ventilation needs of the participant this may include, carers, health practitioners, equipment suppliers and other support workers.
TRAINING: In addition to general training in a range of different types of ventilators and ventilation methods, support workers are encouraged to follow the self-assessment tool for reflection and development It may be required by your employer for you to have initial supervised practice, to meet the specific needs of each participant you support including the appropriate use of equipment. (Air-VIVA)